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Los interruptores compactos en cajas de la Serie.914CE MICRO SWITCH incorporan un sellado de diafragma con fluorocarbono para brindar protección confiable y cumplen con los requisitos de NEMA 1, 2, 3, 3R, 4, 6, 6P y 13, así como con los de IP66, IP67 e IP68. Las versiones con sellado de goma también cumplen con los requisitos de NEMA.12.
Los terminales del cable o conector y del interruptor básico están encapsulados en un sellador epóxico que ofrece excelente resistencia en ambientes hostiles. Para aplicaciones a baja temperatura (hasta -40.°C [-40.°F]), los interruptores de la Serie.CE pueden suministrarse con sellos y lubricantes para bajas temperaturas.
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All MICRO SWITCH™ 914CE series compact enclosed switches incorporate fluorocarbon diaphragm sealing to provide reliable protection, meeting NEMA 1, 2, 3, 3R, 4, 6, 6P, and 13 as well as IP66, IP67, and IP68 requirements. Versions with boot seal also meet NEMA 12 requirements (dust, falling dirt, liquid media with solid contaminates). The cable or connector and basic switch terminals are encapsulated in an epoxy compound, offering superior resistance in harsh environments. For low temperature applications (down to -40 °C, -40 °F), CE switches can be supplied with low temperature seals and lubricant. The CE switches are a rugged and versatile switch which can be applied indoors in harsh factory floor applications, as well as on outdoor equipment in extreme temperatures. A full range of actuators are available, including plain plungers, roller plungers, side rotary, multi-directional wire, and manually operated. The switches are also available with the industry standard, M12 miniature 4-pin connector. MICRO SWITCH™ 914CE products meet UL and CSA standards, as well as European CE requirements.
• Compact construction
• Pre-wired or connector versions
• Die-cast zinc housing
• Wide selection of actuators
• Gang mounting capability
• Cable length variations
• Side and bottom exit cable/connector
• Simple two-screw mounting
• Low temperature variants
• Fluorocarbon sealing (standard)
• Approvals: UL, CSA, CE
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