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Cartucho regulador de oxigeno TC1-R21-C-V-OX1
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The cartridge design and the compact size allow the regulator to be plugged in a proper seat, making the installation easier and reducing the assembly time. To produce the new TC regulator, materials have been analized and chosen on the basis of their suitability with the contact medium. The body in PPS and the seals in FKM ensure thus full compatibility with a wide range of gaseous fluids.
Construction compact with pre-formed diaphragm
Materials see the TABLE OF MATERIALS
Ports cartridge construction in manifold - G1/8 or 1/8NPTF (aluminium body version only)
Mounting in-line or cartridge (any position)
Operating temperature -5°C ÷ 50°C
Inlet pressure 0 ÷ 10 bar
Outlet pressure 0 ÷ 0.5 bar 0 ÷ 2 bar 0 ÷ 3 bar 0 ÷ 4 bar
Overpressure exhaust without relieving
Nominal flow see the FLOW DIAGRAMS
Medium air, inert and medical gases, OXYGEN Repeatability ±0.2% FS
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